Helping women achieve God’s plan for their lives.

It’s time to Wake Up Pray Up Boss Up™

I have been where you are. I remember years ago being so exhausted, I literally woke up with my shoes on because I was too tired to take them off at night. I found myself on the bathroom floor crying thinking God forgot about me. This is not God’s plan for you!

I would have given anything to have someone lift me off that bathroom floor and walk alongside me. I want to do that with you. Let me walk alongside you as you boldly step into God’s call!

About me

Margi Ruiz is a Certified Professional Life Coach (CPLC), Certified Accompaniment Coach for Gallup-Clifton Strengths Assessment and a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

She is a graduate of Texas Christian University, an entrepreneur, missionary, speaker, and best selling author. Originally from Puerto Rico, she now lives in sunny Florida with her husband of 24 years and their 4 children.

She is passionate about helping women to Wake up Pray up Boss up™ and prioritize their physical and mental health so they can boldly step into God’s calling.

If you don’t make changes in your life starting today, where will you be in a year? Healthier or less healthy? More anxious or less anxious? Have more peace or less peace? How about 5 years from now, 10 years from now. How will your life look like if you continue on the same path?

When you work with me, I’ll help you lay the foundation to having a strong self-care routine that leads to renewed vitality and energy so that you can boldly step into God’s calling for your life!